Friday, December 30, 2005
New Year's Eve Eve!
2005 has been one of many mixed emotions. A year that i finally realised what i really wanted in life. 2005, i must say is one of the best years i ever had. Be it relationships to goal setting to SCMC, i have learnt a lot through the course of the year.
In 2004 when i just entered NUS, i always wanted to settle down and get a girlfriend. In the early part of 2005, this desire was achieved. A person walked into my life. For the first time i had a girlfriend; i was a total “noob” wtih relationships. As such, it was soon that it ended, a mere 2 months. It is not the short duration that puzzles me, but rather the immense realisation that followed that is worth a million. What is this realisation? This short relationship made me realise that what i really wanted in life. I wanted to be rich. I wanted my kids to live a better life. Of course, i am not saying i am not having a good life. In fact it can’t be better. I have a nice family, a nice Honda Civic to drive, a bunch of good buddies, a tertiary education etc... i can’t ask for more seriously. However, i was so blinded by the desire for a girlfriend that i was so lacklustre in my other endeavors. After this failed relationship, the box of a girlfriend is finally checked. I could finally move on to the next item on my list. Yeah! You guessed it, it is $500,000 by Age 30. This seems sour grapes for the failed relationship but seriously, i am enjoying such high levels of motivation of getting rich that i have started on a lot of money making endeavours. I will touch on that later. Back to the realisation, i viewed girls as something that does not interest me. Something that is lower in priority than money. This is unhealthy i know, but this is what drives me. With proper control i can tap this motivation to achieve greater highs! And of course it was also this failed relationship that drove to me to more vices, which i would not divulge. Luckily, i am able to focus my attention of making money that i have kicked away many of these vices. To be a successful trader, one must be disciplined! It was also because of this realisation, that i came to figure that it was my brothers that have been the closest around me. They have always been supporting me and have always been giving me the encouragement to excel. Thank you my bros!
The first part of 2005 was dominated by SCMC, me being the business manager. I was tasked with the tough job of getting corporate sponsorships. It was not easy; companies either gave the courteous "no thank you” reply or they just ignored you. Coupled with my first relationship, my energy was not with SCMC obviously, i was a total wrecked. Not doing what i suppose to do. For a large part i was in depression of not being to contribute much and for being a useless BM. Without corporate sponsorship, the events cannot take place. Being, Wenyan, i never gave up and tried over and over again. After the break, i was more focused, and boy was the results stunning. Suddenly, my life was falling back in place. The sponsorships were coming in one by one. My very own I-Week Bazaar was also executed smoothly. All these success were not possible without the help of the rest of the other SCMC members. I thank you all. Give credit when it is due!
Slowly, i became more and more motivated. Another significant event in 2005 was the winning of the 6th Startup@Singapore Nokia Category business plan competition. I was part of the outstanding team of True Mobility that took the first spot. After winning, we were given the opportunity to start a Nokia Shop in NUS. This was a golden opportunity screaming at us. Initially we were dillusioned somewhat but somehow we perservered. Today, the shop is standing proudly is NUS Forum co-op. I was reaching my goal slowly but surely. A lot of sacrifices were made to get this shop up and running. No one more can attest to it than my partners in this endeavour. I have learnt a lot from this small outfit. Everything must start SMALL. Many said we would not succeed. I thank them for their genuine concern, but right now i am only concerned on how to maximise this golden opportunity. To make the most out of it! Ultimately, it is the experience that i have gained that is priceless. I am not concerned if this outfit is worth the time or effort right now, when i have mastered the right skills, the money will automatically roll in!
Trying to be an entrepreneur ain’t all that rosy. Along the way, i mentioned that i was disillusioned. After all, i am also human. I needed to eat and spend. When the monetary rewards weren’t as forthcoming, i somewhat took a step back. I needed something that could help me achieve my goal. I turned to stock trading. The SGX became my good friend in the later part of year. I am sure by now; it is pretty obvious that my interest is with stock trading. I don’t think my life would be ever without the elements of stocks/shares/equities and what not. Right now, i am still in the infancy stage. I am slowly learning the ropes of trading. Nonetheless, soon i will start to walk, than run and before you know it i will become a pro in trading and finally achieve my GOAL!
Earlier, i mentioned, i was disillusioned as the Nokia Shop weren’t as successful as i would wish to. However, after i read a few books on stock trading, i realised that every endeavour required discipline, and proper execution before it will ever be a success. I decided to take more initiative in the Nokia Shop. Soon enough, i was becoming increasingly motivated to set things straight. I needed the money earned from Nokia Shop, to kicked start my trading career. I required money! Everything revolves around money. I really wonder why? This is the fact of life, the rule of the GAME that everyone is playing. Money is everything, without money you cant buy no shit! Without money, you will be looked down at! I am sorry if you think i am really money minded, but this is what i want to be. I want to be successful, have you even thought of your own goals and what you wanted to be? If i ever become rich i will never forget to donate part of my wealth to the needy, for i weren’t from a well to do family. I will never forget what i said here.
"All work and no play make Jack a dull boy" Although i am so caught up with money, i never lost the opportunity to drop my hair and enjoy myself. I love to club; yes everyone knows i am a big mambo fan. Yes i am! In 2005, I chionged much less as compared to 2004. This is partly due to the fact that i was quite tight in finances. It was also because most of my kakis are getting old. They have somewhat gotten pass that stage. However, i would never fall on any opportunity to go club with my brothers again. After saying so much, something is creeping up my mind again. I am indeed human and all humans have feelings. For the large part of 2005 i have stored this feeling in the freezer. However, soon i think it will be taken out to be thawed. Off course, my priority is still with money and i will take this feeling with much more apprehension. I will see how this feeling turns out to be. When that somebody pops up in my mind, i will always stop to smile and think about that person. But i know it will not turn out the way i want it to be. Be gone the feelings, I WANT TO BE RICH!
Goodbye 2005! Hello 2006! May it be a BULLISH and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR AHEAD!
In 2004 when i just entered NUS, i always wanted to settle down and get a girlfriend. In the early part of 2005, this desire was achieved. A person walked into my life. For the first time i had a girlfriend; i was a total “noob” wtih relationships. As such, it was soon that it ended, a mere 2 months. It is not the short duration that puzzles me, but rather the immense realisation that followed that is worth a million. What is this realisation? This short relationship made me realise that what i really wanted in life. I wanted to be rich. I wanted my kids to live a better life. Of course, i am not saying i am not having a good life. In fact it can’t be better. I have a nice family, a nice Honda Civic to drive, a bunch of good buddies, a tertiary education etc... i can’t ask for more seriously. However, i was so blinded by the desire for a girlfriend that i was so lacklustre in my other endeavors. After this failed relationship, the box of a girlfriend is finally checked. I could finally move on to the next item on my list. Yeah! You guessed it, it is $500,000 by Age 30. This seems sour grapes for the failed relationship but seriously, i am enjoying such high levels of motivation of getting rich that i have started on a lot of money making endeavours. I will touch on that later. Back to the realisation, i viewed girls as something that does not interest me. Something that is lower in priority than money. This is unhealthy i know, but this is what drives me. With proper control i can tap this motivation to achieve greater highs! And of course it was also this failed relationship that drove to me to more vices, which i would not divulge. Luckily, i am able to focus my attention of making money that i have kicked away many of these vices. To be a successful trader, one must be disciplined! It was also because of this realisation, that i came to figure that it was my brothers that have been the closest around me. They have always been supporting me and have always been giving me the encouragement to excel. Thank you my bros!
The first part of 2005 was dominated by SCMC, me being the business manager. I was tasked with the tough job of getting corporate sponsorships. It was not easy; companies either gave the courteous "no thank you” reply or they just ignored you. Coupled with my first relationship, my energy was not with SCMC obviously, i was a total wrecked. Not doing what i suppose to do. For a large part i was in depression of not being to contribute much and for being a useless BM. Without corporate sponsorship, the events cannot take place. Being, Wenyan, i never gave up and tried over and over again. After the break, i was more focused, and boy was the results stunning. Suddenly, my life was falling back in place. The sponsorships were coming in one by one. My very own I-Week Bazaar was also executed smoothly. All these success were not possible without the help of the rest of the other SCMC members. I thank you all. Give credit when it is due!
Slowly, i became more and more motivated. Another significant event in 2005 was the winning of the 6th Startup@Singapore Nokia Category business plan competition. I was part of the outstanding team of True Mobility that took the first spot. After winning, we were given the opportunity to start a Nokia Shop in NUS. This was a golden opportunity screaming at us. Initially we were dillusioned somewhat but somehow we perservered. Today, the shop is standing proudly is NUS Forum co-op. I was reaching my goal slowly but surely. A lot of sacrifices were made to get this shop up and running. No one more can attest to it than my partners in this endeavour. I have learnt a lot from this small outfit. Everything must start SMALL. Many said we would not succeed. I thank them for their genuine concern, but right now i am only concerned on how to maximise this golden opportunity. To make the most out of it! Ultimately, it is the experience that i have gained that is priceless. I am not concerned if this outfit is worth the time or effort right now, when i have mastered the right skills, the money will automatically roll in!
Trying to be an entrepreneur ain’t all that rosy. Along the way, i mentioned that i was disillusioned. After all, i am also human. I needed to eat and spend. When the monetary rewards weren’t as forthcoming, i somewhat took a step back. I needed something that could help me achieve my goal. I turned to stock trading. The SGX became my good friend in the later part of year. I am sure by now; it is pretty obvious that my interest is with stock trading. I don’t think my life would be ever without the elements of stocks/shares/equities and what not. Right now, i am still in the infancy stage. I am slowly learning the ropes of trading. Nonetheless, soon i will start to walk, than run and before you know it i will become a pro in trading and finally achieve my GOAL!
Earlier, i mentioned, i was disillusioned as the Nokia Shop weren’t as successful as i would wish to. However, after i read a few books on stock trading, i realised that every endeavour required discipline, and proper execution before it will ever be a success. I decided to take more initiative in the Nokia Shop. Soon enough, i was becoming increasingly motivated to set things straight. I needed the money earned from Nokia Shop, to kicked start my trading career. I required money! Everything revolves around money. I really wonder why? This is the fact of life, the rule of the GAME that everyone is playing. Money is everything, without money you cant buy no shit! Without money, you will be looked down at! I am sorry if you think i am really money minded, but this is what i want to be. I want to be successful, have you even thought of your own goals and what you wanted to be? If i ever become rich i will never forget to donate part of my wealth to the needy, for i weren’t from a well to do family. I will never forget what i said here.
"All work and no play make Jack a dull boy" Although i am so caught up with money, i never lost the opportunity to drop my hair and enjoy myself. I love to club; yes everyone knows i am a big mambo fan. Yes i am! In 2005, I chionged much less as compared to 2004. This is partly due to the fact that i was quite tight in finances. It was also because most of my kakis are getting old. They have somewhat gotten pass that stage. However, i would never fall on any opportunity to go club with my brothers again. After saying so much, something is creeping up my mind again. I am indeed human and all humans have feelings. For the large part of 2005 i have stored this feeling in the freezer. However, soon i think it will be taken out to be thawed. Off course, my priority is still with money and i will take this feeling with much more apprehension. I will see how this feeling turns out to be. When that somebody pops up in my mind, i will always stop to smile and think about that person. But i know it will not turn out the way i want it to be. Be gone the feelings, I WANT TO BE RICH!
Goodbye 2005! Hello 2006! May it be a BULLISH and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR AHEAD!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Maiden Meiban!
I first knew about POEMS when i joined this stock challenge way back in august. Since than, i have gone on to open an actual account with Phillips and had my virgin trade somewhere in mid October. I would not exactly call it trading (more like punting), i was oblivious to dangers in the world of equities. I had my second trade and a third and that was when i recorded my first lost. A large lost in my eyes. I was overwhelmed by greed to earn the so called quick buck. I contraed and paid dearly for this greed! Having reflected from that incident, i swore not to make stupid trades; trades from the heart. Trading is not for the faint hearted, it is for the well informed and the disciplined. Having paid this expensive school fee, i embarked on my life long goal to be compassionate rich person.
The first steps included immense reading. Immediately after my final paper on 28/11/05, i went to the HSSML to borrow a few books on stock trading. They were "Come into my trading room" by Alexander Elder and "Candlesticks Charting" by Steve Nison. Both books are very informative and i highly recommend them to anyone who are interested to learn trading. Technical Analysis was my new buzz word and i began my first foray into charting. Meiban is a company involved in contract manufacturing of plastic components and the peak of oil prices of $70 in recent months hurt the stock badly. Although the price of crude oil has fallen to $58 now, the stock prices are still in a downtrend. Curious, i did a simple technical analysis applying what i have learnt from the books i have read, i came up with the chart below. As the price of crude oil stabilises at $50-$60 dollars, i can only wonder if the price of Meiban will rebound off its downtrend and go into an uptrend.

1. 22 MA is turning up
2. Bullish Divergence spotted on MACD Histogram
3. Stochastics is oversold and the slow line has crossed above the signal line
4. RSI Index is oversold and increasing.
Strong support at $0.35 and after considering these few indicators, i entered a paper trade on this counter. I decided on paper trading to gain exposure and experience before i reenter into this precarious market. I do not know when i will reenter but i can only say that i will continue to read up and improve my knowledge in this world of trading. The next book that i would be reading is "Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets" by John Murphy.
The desire is strong! The desire to outperform everyone expectations is stronger! The desire to reach my goals is unfanthomable!
The first steps included immense reading. Immediately after my final paper on 28/11/05, i went to the HSSML to borrow a few books on stock trading. They were "Come into my trading room" by Alexander Elder and "Candlesticks Charting" by Steve Nison. Both books are very informative and i highly recommend them to anyone who are interested to learn trading. Technical Analysis was my new buzz word and i began my first foray into charting. Meiban is a company involved in contract manufacturing of plastic components and the peak of oil prices of $70 in recent months hurt the stock badly. Although the price of crude oil has fallen to $58 now, the stock prices are still in a downtrend. Curious, i did a simple technical analysis applying what i have learnt from the books i have read, i came up with the chart below. As the price of crude oil stabilises at $50-$60 dollars, i can only wonder if the price of Meiban will rebound off its downtrend and go into an uptrend.

1. 22 MA is turning up
2. Bullish Divergence spotted on MACD Histogram
3. Stochastics is oversold and the slow line has crossed above the signal line
4. RSI Index is oversold and increasing.
Strong support at $0.35 and after considering these few indicators, i entered a paper trade on this counter. I decided on paper trading to gain exposure and experience before i reenter into this precarious market. I do not know when i will reenter but i can only say that i will continue to read up and improve my knowledge in this world of trading. The next book that i would be reading is "Technical Analysis of the Financial Markets" by John Murphy.
The desire is strong! The desire to outperform everyone expectations is stronger! The desire to reach my goals is unfanthomable!